Case Studies

Using 6F EmerAX / TracLine™ catheter in the treatment of aneurysms

Surgeon Introduction

Yina Wu
The First Affiliated Hospital of Naval Medical University

  • Attending physician and lecturer of Cerebrovascular Disease Center
  • Main research direction of hemorrhagic cerebrovascular clinical research, published SCI5 articles. Participated in the compilation of 5 monographs

Case 1

Case information

Patient: 40 years old, female

Chief complaint: examination found aneurysms in the cavernous segment of the left ICA more than 10 months.

Physical examination: (-).

Previous history: Hypertension.


1. Left internal carotid cavernous sinus aneurysm
2. High blood pressure

MRA Image

Treatment Plan

  • Anti-coagulation regimen: aspirin 100mg+ clopidogrel 75mg.
  • Thromboelastogram (TEG) : AA100%, ADP98%.
  • Cerebral angiography + embolization of left internal carotid cavernous sinus aneurysm.

Neck: 6.35mm
Tumor height: 5.58mm
Tumor width: 5.72mm
Proximal carrier artery: 3.59mm
Distal carrier artery: 4.48mm

Mechanical Reserve

  • Right radial artery approach
  • 6F Termau thin-walled sheath
  • 6F EmerAX / TracLine 105cm catheter, 125cm Sim 2 multifunctional imaging tube
  • XT-27 stent catheter, Headway-21 spring coil microcatheter
  • 0.014inch 200cm micro guide wire
  • Lvis 4.5/20, TJWY 6/20, Feng 5/15, TJWY 3/12
  • Y-valve, three-way

A 6F EmerAX / TracLine 105cm catheter with 125cm Sim-2 angiography tube was used via radial approach. In order to provide more effective and stable support, the angiographic tube was supported up to the proximal end of the cavernous sinus aneurysm


Case 2

Case information

  1. Patient: 52-year-old female
  2. Main complain: examination revealed a right ICA paracidoid aneurysm more than 5 months ago.
  3. Physical examination: double upper limb muscle strength grade IV, double upper limb muscle tone decreased.
  4. Previous history: History of cervical nerve entrapment after massage 30 years ago, resulting in muscle atrophy of both upper limbs.
  5. Preliminary diagnosis: right ICA paraspidoid aneurysm.

Image information


Treatment Plan

  • Anti-coagulation regimen: aspirin 100mg+ clopidogrel 75mg.
  • Thromboelastogram (TEG) : AA 82%; ADP 27%.
  • CYP2C19:1/1 (fast metabolism).
  • Cerebral angiography + FD implantation of right ICA paraspidoid aneurysm.
  • Neck: 6.17mm
  • Tumor width: 4.53mm
  • Proximal carrier artery: 4.13mm
  • Distal bearing artery: 5.08mm

Mechanical Reserve

  • Right radial artery approach
  • 6F Termau thin-walled sheath
  • 6F EmerAX / TracLine 105cm intermediate catheter
  • 125cm Sim 2 multifunctional imaging tube
  • Phenon 27 microcatheter
  • 0.014inch 200cm micro guide wire
  • Pipeline 5/30

By radial approach, a 125cm Sim-2 multifunctional catheter was inserted into the 6F EmerAX / TracLine 105cm intermediate catheter and selected to the right ICA petros. The 6F TracLine 105cm catheter passed smoothly under the guidance of the loach guide wire.

Case Summary

  • In the embolization of intracranial aneurysms, the 15cm gradual soft section of the catheter tip of HEMO 6F TracLine 105cm channel can be selected far from the ICA rock bone segment and closer to the lesion site, which is conducive to the superselection and placement of the stent and spring coil microcatheter.
  • The middle segment is stiff, and it is not easy to break in the aortic arch, whether it is the left ICA or the right ICA via the radial approach.
  • TracLine access catheter provides much better support. The catheter does not easily jump with heart beat during aneurysm embolization, providing support and reducing the probability of vascular wall dissection and spasm.

Surgical guidance

Haiqing Huang The First Affiliated Hospital of Naval Medical University
  • Cerebrovascular disease center chief physician, professor, doctoral supervisor
  • Deputy head of neurointerventional Group, Neurosurgical Society, Chinese Medical Association
  • National member of Interventional Physician Branch, Chinese Medical Doctor Association
  • National member of Basic and Clinical Branch of Neurosurgery, Chinese Neuroscience Association
  • Deputy Director, Stroke Branch, Shanghai Medical Association
  • Deputy editor of Chinese Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases
  • Chief expert of national key research and development plan

About Hemo Bioengineering

Hemo Bioengineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Hemo”) officially commenced operations in 2017. Hemo’s global headquarters are located in Singapore, with R&D centers in US, Singapore and China. The company maintains long-term collaborations with US-based R&D laboratories to ensure the design of new products aligns with cutting-edge global technologies. 

Hemo is dedicated to leveraging global high-quality R&D, production, clinical, and academic resources to provide innovative vascular and neurological interventional products. These products aim to serve doctors and patients worldwide by offering comprehensive interventional treatment solutions for cerebrovascular diseases such as ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke, and intracranial vascular stenosis.